Friday, 3 October 2008

OWN ******* GOAL!

You'd think Joe Kinnear had enough problems at Newcastle without antagonising the media. He is never going to win the fight he picked with reporters yesterday. Exactly the opposite - his "foul-mouthed rant," as most of the newspapers describe it, played into their hands by giving them a juicy story in which Kinnear himself is the bad guy. The Mirror, whose reporter Simon Bird was the man in Kinnear's sights, is gleefully streaming the whole exchange, uncut, on its website. The official Newcastle Utd website, unsurprisingly, makes no mention at all of the headline-grabbing antics of their new boss.

1 comment:

Ian Baker said...

We kind of discussed this today at work.

There was a school of thought that suggested that Kinnear did this deliberately in order to get a "Them and Us" attitude.

Like Leeds in the 1970s and Kinnear's own Wimbledon in the 1990s.